Monday, 11 November 2013

I feel rich, but it's sending me broke!

I just added four $5 notes to my stash.

I counted the money in the envelope (yet to replace the tine I broke into!) and was surprised at how fast it is adding up!


  1. Just keep your eye on the ball!!!

  2. Surfing over as recommended by Cindy 2paw above.

    I live by myself now and hacve started a similar thing. When I return from a shopping trip or whatever, I empty my purse. I keep enough exact change for the next bus fare, and anything $5 or under goes into a coffee tin. I do rat it occasionally, eg for milk at service station downstairs, but mostly don't touch it. I counted it a few weeks ago and there was around $300 there. Once I decide to do this, I just automatically do it and don't seem to miss the change at all.

  3. a brilliant idea,i used to do this with gold coins as I didnt think id make the Toodyay Retreat one year,its till there waiting

  4. I've done this to save up for something specific, and it worked well. Maybe I should start again!
